In today’s economy, clients are looking to cut costs anywhere they can, and insurance is often targeted as a big line item in the budget. As a result, many are asking their agents to shop around for the low-cost provider and find options that will save money. Those requests can be a challenge, but they’re also a great chance to step up as a resource.

Here are a few ways you can add value:

Caution against knee-jerk reactions. Educate your clients about what they need and why so they can make smart decisions.

Explain the potential consequences of reducing or eliminating coverage. Managing insurance expenses shouldn’t mean exposing their business – or yours – to serious risk.

Look at the whole book of business. You may find additional discounts or better options to maximize savings.

Make the connection between costs and benefits. Showing how your recommendations work for the client’s best interests positions you as a partner and an advocate.

Remember, every time a client looks to you for new solutions, you have an opportunity to strengthen the relationship. In the end, your big-picture thinking will position you as an advocate and advisor that clients can count on.